Up to 1GB of Bandwidth within 7 Days, No Smoke or Mirrors Needed

Up to 1GB of Bandwidth within 7 Days, No Smoke or Mirrors Needed

With the advent of the BYOD and the “Internet of Everything”, bandwidth is King. So what do you do when you need more bandwidth? You probably call your local telco person and they provide you with a few quotes from the likes of At&T, Comcast, etc.

According to the yearly statflash by Vertical Systems Group, metro fiber passed the 40% threshold this year. Fiber penetration into commercial buildings with 20+ employees has now reached 42.5%, moving up strongly from 39.3% last year. Five years ago, the figure stood at 22.9% of such buildings, a number which we may even officially double in 2016. Of course, that still means that 57.5% of those buildings still get their bandwidth from the likes of copper and occasionally microwave. The penetration rate is much higher in large cities, but rather lower when you get out into less populated areas.

If you have ever ordered bandwidth or changed your carrier, you know this is not a quick process, often taking six months to fully deploy. What if you do not have six months? Enter 123Net Metro Wireless solution. 123Net is the largest provider in Michigan for High Speed Fixed wireless. 123Net’s SLA for this product is the exact same as the SLA’s for fiber, so please do not think the quality will suffer.

Below are a few of the Highlights

  • Speeds of up to 1 Gbps over secure, fixed wireless links
  • Fast installation turnaround of 7-14 days
  • Low installation and service costs
  • Reliability: 99.99% uptime for primary Internet connections


And if you think this comes with a huge price tag, you would be mistaken.

One of our customers was in the process of building a new location on the east side of the state and had just signed a large MPLS contract with one of the larger carriers, however, after several meetings, the carrier informed our customer that they would not be able to have their network stood up in time. We informed them that 123Net might be a good solution to meet their immediate needs. 123Net did a site survey to confirm a clear line of site and within a week our customer had 100MB of bandwidth. At the time of installation, the customer had planned to downgrade to 20MB after their MPLS network was ready to be fully implemented. However, they were so impressed with the service they have decided to tweak their MPLS network and keep the 100MB connection with 123Net for the duration of the 3 year contract.

Fiber optic networks have many advantages, but the convenience offered by wireless solutions is unlike any other. Because 123Net built, own, and operate their wireless network, they guarantee service at every stage. In remote and underserved areas, high-bandwidth access can be provided up to 20 miles outside of our server locations. Currently 123Net has 48 PoP’s, with over 500 customers and is constantly adding to each of these counts.

When speed matters, skip the traditional LEC and cable company infrastructure and contact us.