Smart Hands, do you need them?

Smart Hands, do you need them?

Many businesses today are utilizing managed services to keep their systems running at peak efficiency and performance or they tend to build large internal IT groups to handle all of their IT needs?  Is there something in between?  Smart Hands is one avenue to handle IT! 

Smart Hands basically refers to a technical support system wherein technicians stationed at the site can quickly respond to problems that may arise within your IT environment. In contrast to certified technicians, they are not necessarily trained nor duly recognized to specialize in a specific technology but have enough knowledge that under the guidance of certified technicians they can address many issues immediately!  Instead of needing the high end, expensive engineers at a given location Smart Hands can be used to work with a central team of certified staff to accomplish quickly and efficiently and at a reduced cost what normally would require expensive staff.  

How do Smart Hands work?  They are the onsite component of a technical delivery system whereby the certified “high end” engineering support can be remote and the onsite staff has enough knowledge to leverage the remote certified support.  Smart Hands make use of central certified resources and highly trained project management staff to accomplish local implementation and management tasks at a fraction of the price.  

Here are some of the advantages of Smart Hands: 

The onsite staff receives instructions from certified technicians and project managers to troubleshoot advanced issues.  So why use Smart Hands? 

  • Save money!  You can save money without compromising your IT environment. 
  • You can customize the level of onsite support needed.  Have it fit just what you need! 
  • They can help you meet compliance requirements.  Sometimes these tasks, while critical can be “boring” to high end staff, however to the Smart Hands on site they are great experiences that they can grow with. 
  • Faster response time.  They are on site and ready to respond with the skill of certified engineers backing them up. 
  • Improved physical security.   The use of Smart Hands mean the staff has been vetted for local security concerns and can be trusted. 
  • Higher productivity.  These Smart Hands can prevent frequent and prolonged interruptions so your employees can focus more on the tasks and projects that really matter. 

What are some of the services Smart Hands can perform? 

  • Asset tagging and asset management 
  • Packing and unpacking of equipment to be installed and removal of trash 
  • Data destruction of old assets.  This insures that data is destroyed before leaving the facility 
  • Handling of technical issues with the help of certified staff 

If you want to investigate Smart Hands for your organization, simply reach out to any of our team and ask about Millennia’s TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) analysis that can guide you on the path of utilizing Smart Hands to your advantage! 

Also, you are invited to our sister groups Cyber Insurance event on June 14th at the Firerock Grill at 11:30AM.