Customer Experience

7 Reasons You Might be Losing Customers

A business that is losing customers on a consistent basis is in trouble over the long haul. Customers are the lifeline of any organization. However, today’s business environment is characterized by high customer turnover due to stiff competition. If you’re losing customers and can’t figure out why, it’s time to take a good hard look at how you’re doing business.

1. Changing Too Many Players

Customers do not buy from companies but from people. Relationships are the lifeblood of a business, irrespective of its size. Therefore, to retain long-term customers, a company should not rotate salespeople, key contacts, or customer service representatives unless it has to. A business should foster any relationships forged by employees since they are rarely interchangeable.

2. Treating Existing and New Customers Differently

Offering incentives and discounts to only new customers may cause resentment among the existing ones. A business should think carefully about the carrots its offers new customers and ensure that it rewards existing ones equally – if not more. Although new clients have an immediate top-line impact, total sales to existing ones typically result in a greater impact on the business’ bottom line. And it’s always more cost effective to keep a customer than it is to earn a new one.

3. Focusing on Price Rather Than Value

Being a low-cost provider offers a competitive edge at first, but this strategy is difficult to sustain over the long haul. Instead, a business’ goal should be providing the best …

10 Ways Your Phone System Improves Your Customers’ Experience

Business competition in today’s economy is fierce. Your customers expect the highest level of care, and you and your staff need to be reachable, professional and customer-focused at all times – no matter where you’re working.

If that’s your business model, is your phone system supporting you and your employees like you need to support your customers?

Use this checklist to evaluate if your business communications give your customers the experience they expect from their chosen providers. Give yourself a point for every line you can check off. When you’re done, count your checks.
Reachability and Professionalism

Customers can access your sales staff anytime and anywhere, with mobile capabilities that direct incoming office calls to your sales staff’s mobile phones.
Outbound calls look professional, coming from the main company number, even when your employees are using their smartphones or other mobile devices.
Customer focus is enhanced by integrating your Outlook and CRM tools with your phone system to track conversation history with your client.
Employee productivity is increased by merging call records with customer records to improve sales trending projections and staffing optimization.

Employee Productivity

Employees can bring their own device and integrate it with your phone network.
Teamwork is made easy with voice and video calling, instant messaging and desktop sharing.
Employees feel secure that voice and data are safe, even in public hotspots.

Cost Effectiveness

Ongoing administration, such as adding a new employee, is easy vs. labor intensive.
Local support is available to train your staff to use features …